Fisetin is under focus for its senolytic activity, an ability that could cause cellular aging, therefore supporting healthy aging. In the context of the anti-aging effects of fisetin, the understanding of cellular aging and senescence is necessary. The cycle of proliferation, division, and death is integral to health. However, in senescence, the aging cells cease dividing. Senescent cells avoid apoptosis despite their reduced function. They accumulate in tissues and release inflammatory chemicals that exacerbate age-related disorders. Senescence may very well be an aging mechanism. Senescent cells promote aging through the influence they exert on neighboring healthy cells. Hence, removal of these cells forms an attractive anti-aging treatment.
A Powerful Senolytic Compound
To delay biological aging, senolytics find and remove senescent cells. Researchers found that fisetin destroys senescent cells more than healthy ones. This decreases tissue degradation and promotes healthy aging by lowering senescent cell inflammation. This is the first of fisetin benefits.
Scripps Research Institute researchers say fisetin reduces senescent cells, which may extend mouse lifespan. Fisetin enhanced physical function, age-related pathology, and other health outcomes, the study revealed. These findings are promising since reducing senescent cell load may extend lifespan and lessen age-related illness risk.
How Fisetin Slows Cellular Aging
There are several cellular roles of fisetin. The most critical of these is the impact on cell death by senescence. It also tames chronic inflammation by eliminating faulty cells. Scavenging of these molecules removes oxidative damage, meaning enhanced health and longevity of cells.
Fisetin manages signalling pathways that allow for healthy aging. The drug enhances sirtuin activity that controls metabolism, aging, and cell health. Sirtuins extend life and maintain organ and tissue functioning. Fisetin enhances the repair and repair balance of cells through increased activity of sirtuins.
Neuroprotective Effects
Fisetin is found to protect neurons from oxidative stress and inflammation in experimental research. Besides, it maintains the integrity of the blood-brain barrier, one of the most important structures safeguarding the brain from poisons and detrimental chemicals. Also, fisetin has been proven, in experiments with animals, to assist in improving memory functions and inducing synaptogenesis, which is creating new synapses, or new associations within the brain.
Fisetin may keep most neurons healthy and inhibit the accumulation of senescent cells within the brain, thereby preventing age-related cognitive decline. There is a possibility that better brain health with ageing could be achieved since its potential as a natural treatment of neurodegenerative diseases is currently being explored.
Fisetin and Longevity
The public and scientists have always been interested by lifespan extension. Fisetin may extend life, but no medicine can stop aging. The mTOR pathway regulates cell growth and metabolism. Because it increases cell damage, mTOR over activity is associated to aging and age-related illnesses. Fisetin slows malignant cell proliferation and promotes cell regeneration and repair by inhibiting mTOR. Cell energy balance is maintained by the AMPK pathway. Fisetin increases metabolism, energy, and fat loss via AMPK.
A potent anti-aging flavonoid, fisetin does exhibit intense senolytic activities that eliminate senescent toxic cells, thereby contributing to healthy aging. Fisetin does delay aging by its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cognitive decline activities. Since the foods and supplements with contents rich in fisetin can lengthen life and maintain cellular health, more studies will be required.