Misalignment affects the personality of a person, and therefore, every person who is suffering from the misalignment problem has to find a solution to straighten their teeth. There are two types of dental treatments available for the patients traditional braces or Invisalign braces. Traditional braces come with their discomfort, and therefore, we need to have another alternative to treat the misalignment problem. In this case, Invisalign proves to be the best option for treating the dental structure issue.
Invisalign is made as per your dental shape and size. However, in some cases, when the tray is new in the teeth, it can lead to some discomfort or cuts in your gums. So, there can be some minor solutions that you can adopt to solve your Invisalign cutting problems. If you are in Fresno, you can consult the Fresno family dentist where you can get a solution to your gum cutting problem.
Why Is Your Invisalign Aligner Cutting Your Gums?
Aligners should fit your teeth perfectly, but if they are too sharp or have any rough edges, then it can cause gum irritation. These aligner trays might shift slightly in your mouth, causing them to rub against each other in sensitive areas. This irritation can make it very uncomfortable for you to handle the Invisalign.
What to Do When Your Invisalign is Cutting Your Gums?
Invisalign aligners are the popular choice for teeth straightening because it is very comfortable and nearly invisible. However, if there would be any minor discomfort due to aligners, then you can solve it by adopting simple solutions.
Smooth the Edges with Emery Board
You can use the emery board to file down the sharp edges on the aligners. You can gently smoothen the edges until they feel less abrasive against your gums. This is one of the effective ways to keep your aligners safe as long as you file them lightly and evenly.
Use Orthodontic Wax for Instant Relief
You can use orthodontic wax, which can be a lifesaver for you to deal with the Invisalign discomfort. You can apply a small piece of wax to the part where the aligner is rubbing against your gums. This will create a buffer between your gums and the aligner which will be a great relief to reduce the friction and pain in the gums.
Rinse with Warm Water and Salt
You can use salt water to provide some relief to your affected area. It helps in soothing the sore gums and promotes healing in the affected areas. You can mix half a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water and rinse your mouth gently. This remedy will help in reducing the inflammation and preventing infection in the teeth.
How to Prevent Future Gum Irritation?
Gum irritation is not something that can be solved easily. But we can take some simple steps to prevent future gum irritation. So, you can take some simple steps to prevent gum irritation.
- When you go for aligners, you must ensure that these aligners are perfectly fit to your teeth. It should not shift around or else it can lead to gum irritation. You have to ensure that you are also wearing it as per the instructions given by the dentists. If there is a continuation of this discomfort, then you must go for a check-up.
- You must ensure that you maintain your oral hygiene, which is a significant role for Invisalign. You should brush or floss your teeth regularly to keep your gums healthy. These healthy gums will ensure that it is less prone to irritation. When there are clean aligners, it will reduce the risk of bacteria buildup, which can make gums discomfort worse.